Hajókötél, kötél, zsinór, heveder, cipőfűző gyártó
CUSTOMER SERVICE: +36 20 255 7851, M-F: 7.00-15.30 | info@galco.hu
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2700 Cegléd, Pesti út 212. / Open: M-F: 7.00 - 15.00
1036 Budapest, Lajos u. 107. / Open: M-F: 9.00 - 12.30, 13.00 - 17.00
6721 Szeged, Felső Tisza-part 21. / Open: M-F: 8.00 - 12.00, 12.30 - 16.30
8220 Balatonalmádi, Balatonfűzfői út 254. / Open: M: 11:00-18:00 T-F: 9:00-12:30, 13:00-18:00 Sat: 9:00-16:00
Galco showroom Cegléd
Galco showroom Cegléd

Galco showroom Szeged
Galco showroom Szeged

Galco showroom Budapest
Galco showroom Budapest


The Gál family has been continuously engaged in rope manufacturing since the 1860s. The knowledge and love of  rope-making went from father to son.

Galco Rope Manufacturer and Distributor Ltd. combines 160 years of experience with the latest technology. Since 1971, traditional manual work has been gradually replaced by modern machines. All the products marketed under the Galco brand are produced in their own rope factory in Cegléd, Hungary.

The rope factory is still 100% owned  by our family.


Our rope and cord manufacturer company operates with the flexibility of family business. As demands are changing and different quantities are needed, for example in the case of yachting rope, industrial rope, agricultural rope twine production, fashion cords production, decoration cords production, paracord producition, diy cord production, elastic lace production, shoelaces production, webbing or tape production, we undertake to fulfill orders for both large and small series, standard and custom made products. Thanks to the constant excellent quality, fast delivery, punctual deadlines and our flexibility. We have long-term cooperations with many companies. Due to the constant dialogue with our customers we always work on new solutions and experiment with new products, whether in rope, tape, twine or shoelace production. We work under the ISO 9001 quality control system and provide the best products and services.

The continuously improved machinery and the experience and expertise gathered over the years is the warranty for production of a reliable and constant quality product, whether it is a sailing rope, safety, agricultural or towing rope, motor starter line, luggage rope, national color ribbon, webbing, round or flat elastic lace or shoelace. On our state-of-the-art rope machines we only work with high quality materials . In the process of  manufacturing of ropes, cords, tapes and twines, in addition to the traditional hemp, we use other natural (cotton and flax), synthetic (polypropylene, polyester) and last generation (Kevlar, Vectran, fiberglass materials). We offer a wide range of premium products that meet the needs of our customers. We guarantee our products and provide a quality certificate.


If you are looking for  a high quality yachting rope, reliable safety rope, non-slip agricultural rope, strong tow rope, good-grip construction  rope, handrail rope, traditional climbing rope, school jumping rope, twine, elastic lace, cord for sack, cord for agricultural tying, heat-resistant sealing cord, cord for venetian blinds, roller blinds, diy cord, paracord, custom jewellery cords, mesh cords, durable rubber laces, 100% cotton lamp cords, reliable shock cords, strong sewing threads, different types of tapes, shoelaces, extra-long skate laces or other similar products , you can find it here!

Check out our range of products and contact us with any questions at:

Phone: +36 53 310 772
E-mail: info@galco.hu

Kép: Gál Ferenc levél
Ferenc Gaál letter

Kép: Gál Ferenc újságcikk
Ferenc Gaál article

Kép: Bélyegző
Stamp of Ferenc Gál, crafts man


In rope production, Galco Rope Manufacturing and Distribution Ltd. combines 150 years of experience with modern technology. In the Gál family, the knowledge and love of rope-making has been passed down from father to son and daughter for five generations. The history of the company dates back to the 1860s, when the master ropemaker Ferenc Gaál, from Abony, set foot in Cegléd, where he founded the family tradition in a one-man workshop.

The founder's son, Ferenc, was a well-known and respected citizen of Cegléd. He lived an active public and cultural life. He was known by many as a Reformed Presbyterian, but he was also famous for his chess skills and fascination with violins. He was still mainly making the ropes needed for animal keeping. It was a real spectacle as uncle Feri drove his "never-ending" ropes, which were too long for the rope-making workshop built in the yard. He was one of Cegléd's symbolic character. A lot of people remember him because it wasn't a weekly market day that he wasn't attending with his little car in his usual place.

Kép: Gál Ferenc újsággal
Gaál Ferenc with newspaper
Kép: Gál Ferenc Hegedül
Ferenc Gaál plays the violin
Kép: Gál Ferenc műhelyfotó
Gaál Ferenc workshop photo

Galco Ltd. was actually founded by Ferenc Gál Jr., who started his career as a shoelace manufacturer. In the 1970s, the demand for manual labour decreased with the reduction of livestock farming, so Ferenc Gál Jr. started mechanization in 1971. In addition to mechanization he considered that it was important not to lose manuality, so hand-made ropes used for animal keeping are still part of our range, as they keep the knowledge of our predecessors. Step by step, he built the company on his own. He was personally involved in production, persistently expanded his clientele, personally visited future partners, many of whom were friends. In 1992, he created the Galco brand name from the word Gál and company, and in 1998 he founded the LTD.

Kép: Gaál Ferenc és Gál Ferenc
Ferenc Gaál and Ferenc Gál
Kép: Gál Ferenc és Gál Ferencné
Ferenc Gál and Ferencné Gál
Kép: Katalógus

Galco Ltd. is still 100 percent owned by the family. It is run by Ferenc Gál's heirs, wife and two daughters. The current Galco Ltd. is a half-manufactory where a profession that no longer exists is taught and kept alive. Over the years, the company's profile has changed, adapting to emerging market needs. The product range has widened. In addition to the shoelace, the first braided product has been made, from millimeters of thin cords to several centimetres thick sailing ropes. The workshop once operated in the family home, moved to a spacious site where it opened a showroom in January 2020. In addition to Cegléd, the company also operates showrooms in Budapest and Szeged, where it welcomes its customers from wholesalers to individuals.

